Tesis doctorales

José Pablo Valverde Coto «Collective Brokerage as an Approach to Tackle Grand Challenges.» [Prof. Dr. Yvette Sánchez, Prof. Dr. Urs Jäger, INCAE Business School] 
Oscar Mauricio Bohórquez  «The extinction of the indigenous communities and its ecosystems in Colombia: A decolonial, intermestic approach to five centuries of indigenous resistance.» [Prof. Dr. Yvette Sánchez] 
Sarah Bühler «Dual Vocational Education and Training (VET) as driver for labour market integration in Colombia.» [Prof. Dr. Yvette Sánchez, Prof. Dr. Philipp Gonon, ETH]
Tihomir Tsenkulovski «Embodying the UNESCO discourse on creative cities in practices and affective atmospheres in Latin America.» [Prof. Dr. Yvette Sánchez, Prof. Dr. Chris Steyaert]
Tobias Kraus  «Perceived Integration of US Latino Employees in US-Based Automotive Manufacturing Companies..» [Prof. Dr. Yvette Sánchez] 


Omid Alizadeh Afrouzi «Humanitarian persuasion against xenophobia: Venezuelan migrants in Colombia. » [Prof. Dr. Yvette Sánchez, Prof. Dr. Juan José Igartua Perosanz, Universidad de Salamanca]
Ashraf Montoya Zegarra «Analysis of the cocoa culture in Peru.» [Prof. Dr. Yvette Sánchez, Prof. Dr. Luciano Andrenacci, Flacso, Unsam]
Letícia Vargas Bento «The Emergence of the Brazilian Impact Investing Field: Institutional Logics in Practice.» [Prof. Dr. Yvette Sánchez, Prof. Dr. Sergio G. Lazzarini, Insper, São Paulo] 


Elida Salvadora Vilalba Vargas «The Environmental Sanitation Boards in Paraguay: An Analysis of their Governance, the Social-Cultural and Legal Factors that Impact the Model and Their Implications on the Guarantee of the Human Right to Water.» [Prof. Dr. Yvette Sánchez, Prof. Dr. Pedro Arrojo Agudo]


Jason García Portilla «“[…] by their fruits ye shall know them”: Religious discourses and practices, and their relation to development indicators in Europe and the Americas (case studies: Switzerland, Cuba, Colombia, Uruguay).» [Prof. Dr. Yvette Sánchez, Prof. Dr. Christian Büschges, Prof. Dr. Jens Köhrsen]


Annatina Aerne «The Creation of a Public Sphere through a Network of Art Publics in Bogotá.» [Prof. Dr. Yvette Sánchez und Prof. Dr. Marianne Braig, Freie Universität Berlin]
Michaela Díaz Rosaenz  «La ciudadanía consumida. Política nacional, consumo y ciudadanía en Argentina y Brasil.» [Prof. Dr. Yvette Sánchez und Prof. Dr. Livia Barbosa, Universidade Federal Fluminense]


Carolina Contreras Arias «The asset of the "poor": rural indigenous livelihoods and their exemplar strategy to overcome scarcity.» [Prof. Dr. Yvette Sánchez, Prof. Dr. Stephan Rist und Prof. Dr. Elena Lazos (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, UNAM)]


Fabian François Müller «Vertrauen. Die Knappheit einer kulturellen Ressource in Argentinien.» [Prof. Dr. Yvette Sánchez und Prof. Dr. Franz Schultheis]
Juan Fernando Palacio Roldán «Latin America in the WTO. The role of Brazil, Colombia, and Mexico in the World Trade Organization and its transcultural aspects. Moving to a post-Hofstedian approach.» [Prof. Dr. Yvette Sánchez und Prof. Dr. Diana Tussie, FLACSO, Buenos Aires]
Jonna Cohen  «Critical Pedagogy and Coaction: Latina Empowerment in a United States Food Organization.» [Prof. Dr. Yvette Sánchez und Prof. Dr. Andrea Herrera, University of Colorado] 
Kone Cesario «Brazilian Intellectual Property Law and the Protection of Non-Traditional
Trademarks.» [Prof. Dr. Peter Sester und Prof. Dr. Fabio Ulhoa Coelho]
Leonardo Ohlrogge  «Brazilian Law and International Arbitration.» 
Mariana de Oliveira Leite de Castro «Bank Regulation of Environmental and Social Risks.» [Prof. Dr. Peter Sester und Prof. Dr. Thomas Burri]
Sandra Mendez Fajardo «Systemic decisions for more sustainable WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment) management in developing countries.» [Prof. Rafael A. González Rivera und Prof. Claudia R. Binder, Universidad Javeriana, Kolumbien und Prof. Dr. Markus Schwaninger] 


Rocío Robinson «Swiss Corporate Social Innovation: Generating Sustainable Community-Based Development and Value-Creation in Latin America.» [Prof. Dr. Yvette Sánchez und Prof. Dr. Corinne Pernet]
Rachel Brooks-Ames Lachenmeier «Situated Attention: Exploring Strategic Responses to Emergent Issues in Transcultural Environments [on transnational coffee business, especially communication patterns along the value chain of Colombian coffee farmers, Nestlé’s top management, NGOs and the FNC].» [Prof. Dr. Yvette Sánchez und Prof. Dr. Tomi Laamanen]
Christoph Birkholz «Impact Investing: Case Studies on Entrepreneurial Decision-Making.» [Prof. Dr. Rolf Wüstenhagen]


Nadja Eichin «Perspektiven einer neuen Sicherheitskultur im Rahmen der Konfliktforschung rund um die Latinos in den USA.» [Korreferentin: Prof. Dr. Corinne Pernet]
María del Pilar Ramírez Gröbli «Biofuel production conflicts and displacement in Latin America. Socio-political and artistic impact.» [Korreferent: Prof. John Lederach, University of Notre Dame]
Manuel Pombo «Trueques discursivos entre literatura y management.» [Korreferentin: Prof. Dr. Corinne Pernet]
Teresa Schoch Körner «Übergewicht in Mexiko aus sozialökonomischer Perspektive. Präferenzen erkennen und Restriktionen verändern.» [Korreferentin: Prof. Dr. Conny Wunsch]
Harold Silva Guerra «Los efectos de la imagen, los símbolos y los hábitos culturales en la actitud consumista del negocio minorista colombiano.» [Korreferent: Prof. Dr. Octavio Ibarra]


Christian Opitz «Brasiliens Wirtschaft in der Krise – Eine wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Analyse des Verlusts an internationaler Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der brasilianischen Fertigungsindustrie.» [Prof. Dr.Corinne Pernet und Prof. Dr. Karl Frauendorfer]
Christian Aristoteles Vousvouras «The Impact of Governance on the Performance of Water Utilities in Developing Countries.» [Prof. Dr.Corinne Pernet und Prof. Dr. Rolf Wüstenhagen]
Sabrina Zehnder «Poética espacial de la diáspora y el exilio en la Trilogía de la Memoria de Pedro Orgambide.» [Prof. Dr. Pere Joan i Tous, Konstanz und Prof. Dr. Yvette Sánchez]


Claudia María Rojas Quiñonez «Der völkerrechtliche Schutz der indigenen Sprachen.» [Prof. Dr. Kerstin Odendahl und Prof. Dr. Yvette Sánchez]
Angélica Rotondaro «Cultural Relativism in Fair Trade – an exploratory study on trade relationships between small producers in Brazil and their market interfaces in Switzerland.»
Luis Panichelli «Biofuel Policies' Impact on Land-Use Change and Greenhouse Gas Emissions. Methodological framework and system dynamics modeling applied to soybean-based biodiesel production in Argentina.» [Prof. Dr. Edgard Gnansounou, Lausanne und Prof. Dr. Markus Schwaninger] (Ecole Polytéchnique Fédérale de Lausanne)]
Luis Fernando Turatti «Reputation and Corporate Governance: An empirical study of reputation initiatives at the board level in Brazil.» [Prof. Dr. Martin Hilb] 


Enzo Nussio «Reintegrating Former Combatants. The Perspective of Demobilised Paramilitaries in Colombia.» [Prof. Dr. Yvette Sánchez]
Dorian Occhiuzzi «Tijuana – zona kitsch en la frontera entre México y EE.UU.» [Prof. Dr. Yvette Sánchez und Prof. Dr. Dieter Ingenschay]
Carolina Pizarro «Nuevos cronistas de Indias. Descubrimiento y conquista en la narrativa hispanoamericana contemporánea.» [Prof. Dr. Pere Joan i Tous, Konstanz und Prof. Dr. Yvette Sánchez]
Ernst von Kimakowitz «Ethical Reflections on Backward Linkages between Transnational Corporations and Domestic Small and Medium Enterprises in Developing Countries: An Explorative Case Example from Brazil.» [Prof. Dr. Peter Ulrich und Prof. Dr. Markus Schwaninger] 


Víctor Pérez «Entrepreneurial Networks and Innovative Small Business in Latin-America: The Case of Villa el Salvador in Peru.» [Prof. Dr. Thierry Volery]


María del Rocío Sánchez «La poética de un mago escéptico, Jorge Luis Borges. Universität Basel.» [Prof. Dr. Yvette Sánchez und Prof. Dr. Alexander Honold, Basel]
Philipp Schneuwly  «Die Schaffung von Wettbewerbsvorteilen in Schwellenländern. Die Bedeutung von Kooperation, endogenen Kompetenzen und Rahmenbedingungen für das Innovationsverhalten in einem argentinischen Produktionsnetzwerk.» [Prof. Dr. Jean-Max Baumer und Prof. Dr. Beat Hotz-Hart] 


Christian-Titus Klaiber «Kritische Erfolgsfaktoren für Unternehmensgründungen in Mexiko unter besonderer Berücksichtigung deutscher Unternehmer.» [Prof. Dr. Martin Hilb und Prof. Dr. Lutz Schumacher]
Javier Sepúlveda «Organizational Change: Formulating, Implementing and Sustaining a Fundamental Organizational Change in South American Central Banks. Pilot Study Colombia.» [Prof. Dr. Martin Hilb und Prof. PhD Ruud Flemming] 

