Tesis de maestría

Jorge Miguel Sanz-Agero  «The Management of Central American Investments by Swiss Impact Funds.» [Prof. Dr. Yvette Sánchez, Prof. Dr. Harald Tuckermann]  
Julian Stella «Unpacking financial inclusion in Colombia: Regulatory rationale behind an elusive concept.» [PD Dr. Matías Dewey]  


Carla Reiss «Financing Instruments for Urban Governments - Possibilities to Enhance the Provision of Affordable Housing in Latin America.» [Dr. Anthony Boanada-Fuchs, Prof. Dr. Dirk Lehmkuhl]
Christina Pallikudiyil «Classification and Evaluation of COVID-19 responses in informal settlements - A comparison across Latin America and the Caribbean.» [Dr. Anthony Boanada-Fuchs, Prof. Dr. Vanessa Boanada Fuchs]
Emma Foulard «Land Grabbing and violence in post-conflict countries.» [Prof. Dr. Vanessa Boanada Fuchs, Prof. Dr. Hannah Smidt]
Kay Probst «Real estate developers in the context of affordable housing in Brazil.» [Dr. Anthony Boanada-Fuchs, PD Dr. Matías Dewey]
Noëmi Rhyner «Missing persons in Mexico. How the ICRC restores trust between their families and the Mexican government.» [Prof. Dr. Yvette Sánchez, Prof. Dr. Antoinette Weibel] 
Maria Gabriela Fuertes Jimenez «Ecocide in the Ecuadorian Amazon? Analysis of the Chevron-Texaco Case.» [Prof. Dr. Alexander Proelß (Universität Hamburg), Prof. Dr. Yvette Sánchez]
Claudio Schärer  «Slums Under Water – A Comparative Analysis of Flood Resilience Policies in Dhaka, Lagos and Rio de Janeiro.» [Dr. Anthony Boanada-Fuchs, Prof. Dr. Roland Hodler]  
Leandro Neff  «Sustainable Urbanization and Organizational Learning – Best Practice Analyses in Latin America and the Caribbean with Focus on Colombia.» [Dr. Anthony Boanada-Fuchs, Prof. Dr. Oliver Westerwinter]  
Lena Hilfiker Tomas «Land Value Capture in Colombia. Maximizing the potential of CEPACs in financing the Bogota metro line: Go-to-market considerations.» [Dr. Anthony Boanada Fuchs, Prof. Dr. Yvette Sánchez] 
Lynn Sara Tschirky «The Potential of Blockchain Technology to Combat Illegal Logging in the Amazon Rainforest.» [Prof. Dr. Florian Wettstein, Dr. Vanessa Boanada Fuchs]
Petra Böhl Puga «Incentivos gubernamentales para el desarrollo del mercado de automóviles eléctricos en el Ecuador.» [Prof. Dr. Yvette Sánchez, PD Dr. Matias Dewey] 
Tatjana Bottiglieri «Knowledge Management meets Digital Transformation – Business Model Innovation of Knowledge Management Information Systems for Organizations addressing Urban Informality.» [Dr. Anthony Boanada Fuchs, Prof. Dr. Yvette Sánchez] 


Andrea Real Mattar  «The influence of precarious Venezuelan conditions on e-commerce: the case of DiCasa Concept Store.» [Prof. Dr. Yvette Sánchez und Prof. Dr. Thomas Rudolph] 
Marius Konstantin Baur «Price Transparency in the Colombian Cocoa Market.» [Prof. Dr. Yvette Sánchez und Prof. Dr. Florian Wettstein]
Ricardo Abad «M&A by European Apparel Industries in Latin America.» [Dr. Vanessa Boanada Fuchs, Prof. Dr. Sebastian Utz]   
Veronica C. Castillos «The Effect of the Pandemic: How COVID-19 has impacted the relevance of consumer preference towards sustainable products in Bogotá.» [Prof. Dr. Omid Ashari/Prof. Dr. Yvette Sánchez]


Calebe Künzle «Introducing waste-to-energy incineration technology for a sustainable integrated municipal solid waste management in Rio de Janeiro based on a Swiss approach.» [Dr. Anthony Boanada-Fuchs, Prof. Dr. Yvette Sánchez]
Claudio di Pizzo «Affordable Housing in Brazil and its Impact on the Geography of Criminality.» [Prof. Dr. Patrick Emmenegger, Dr. Anthony Boanada-Fuchs] 
Claudio Schärer  «The Challenge of Resilient Housing and current practices in Mexico.» [Prof. Dr. Roland Hodler, Dr. Anthony Boanada-Fuchs] 
Elena Soto Mena  «The integration of Argentinian beachwear into European luxury fashion boutiques.» [Prof. Dr. Yvette Sánchez]  
Fabienne Zumbühl  «Social Innovation in Sustainable Urban Development.» [Prof. Dr. Sabrina Bresciani, Dr. Anthony Boanada-Fuchs]
Florian Wieser «Translating market practices between actors from global production networks and slums. The role of entrepreneurs in linking the formal and informal sectors of the economy.» [Dr. Urs Jäger, Prof. Dr. Yvette Sánchez]
Joshua Forster  «Der Umgang verschiedener sozialer Gruppen in Kolumbien mit digitalen Bankgeschäften.» [Prof. Dr. Yvette Sánchez, Prof. Dr. Heiko Gebauer] 
Juan Sebastián Galindo Ramírez  «Administrative resignification in the Colombian peace process.» [Prof. Dr. Yvette Sánchez, Dr. Andreas G. Koestler] 
Nina Hehlen  «The impact of social media on recruiting young people into drug trafficking. A case study in Mexico.» [Prof. Dr. Yvette Sánchez und Prof. Dr. Vanessa Boanada-Fuchs]   
Sonja Anwander  «The Impact of Chinese Investments in the Brazilian Amazon.» [Dr. Vanessa Boanada Fuchs]
Thomas Käslin «Multi-Modal First/Last Mile Offering in Bogotá: A Problem-Oriented Comparative Framework to Evaluate Modes of Transport.» [Dr. Anthony Boanada-Fuchs, Prof. Dr. Yvette Sánchez] 


Adrian Listmann «Facilitative Diplomacy: the role of the international community in the colombian peace process.» [Dr. Paul Widmer und Prof. Dr. Yvette Sánchez] 
Alessandro Taiana «CEO compensation in Argentina – Initial findings in an opaque setting.» [Prof. Dr. Yvette Sánchez und Prof. Dr. Christoph Lechner]
Jan Felix Soland  «Markteintrittsstrategien kolumbianischer Kaffeeunternehmen in der Schweiz.» [Prof. Dr. Yvette Sánchez / Prof. Dr. Thomas Rudolph] 
Judith Philipona  «Knowledge Transfer in Adhocracies. An analysis of four international, project-based organizations in the sports and humanitarian sector.» [Prof. Dr. Yvette Sánchez / Dr. Florian Wettstein] 
Karin Augsburger  «"Fortalecimiento de Barrios Comerciales" programme as the Chilean model of a Business Improvement District.» [Dr. Anthony Boanada-Fuchs, Prof. Dirk Lehmkuhl] 
Lukas Jaehn  «The Informal Economy in Latin America - a Taxonomic Analysis of Policy Interventions.» [Dr. Anthony Boanada-Fuchs, Prof. Dr. Roland Hodler]  
Tabea Savoldelli  «Fostering Social Entrepreneurship in Ecuador - Gaps in the Enterpreneurial Ecosystem.» [Dr. Anthony Boanada-Fuchs, Prof. Dr. Yvette Sánchez]


Germain Groppi  «The adaptation of a value creation process to an NGO in Colombia: a digital training project.» [Prof. Dr. Yvette Sánchez und Prof. Dr. Peter Leibfried] 
Jaime Alejandro Rivera Caballero   «“Gamification in Tourism” – The case of the social tourism project “Vamos Juntos” in Bolivia.» [Prof. Dr. Pietro Beritelli und Prof. Dr. Christian Laesser] 
Luzia Gysin «Environmental Policies after the Paris Agreement: Innovative cement production and CO2 emissions in the case of Colombia.» [Prof. Dr. Urs Heierli und Prof. Dr. Rolf Wüstenhagen]
Morgane Lerville «El esprectro populista en la democracia argentina: los dilemas de Cristina Fernández de Kirchner.» [Prof. Dr. Yvette Sánchez und Prof. Dr. Christoph Frei] 


Andrés Vicaría Aguilar  «Partnering in Colombia – market entry and expansion challenges faced by Swiss companies.» [Prof. Dr. Yvette Sánchez und Prof. Dr. Martin Eppler]  
Stefano Raffa  «The inclusion of socio-cultural factors into risk assessment and monitoring frameworks: a closer look at Venezuela and the Petrozuata case.» [Prof. T, Flemming Ruud, PhD und Prof. Dr. Yvette Sánchez]
Tobias Bitzer «Exploring new strategies of SME inclusion as drivers of Integrated Value Creation (IVC) in the Mexican automotive industry.» [Prof. Dr. Günther Müller-Stewens und Prof. Dr. Yvette Sánchez]


Aîcha Bleuler  «Value Relevance of IFRS Adoption in Emerging Countries - Evidence from Brazil, Mexico, and Chile.» [Prof. Dr. Tami Dinh und Prof. Dr. Peter Leibfried]
Corentin Larue  «Inclusive Practices in Global Supply Chains operating in Informal Markets - A case study of Indigenous Bribri‘s local agriculture in Costa Rica.» [Prof. Dr. Urs Jäger, INCAE, Costa Rica und Prof. Dr. Christoph Frei] 
Fabiana Margadan «Overcoming the Thin Months in Coffee - How diversification can generate stable and higher incomes in Marcala (Honduras).» [Dr. Urs Heierli und Prof. Dr. Klaus Dingwerth] 
Felipe de la Balze  «Measuring the Quality of the Nascent REIT Industry in Mexico - a Comparative Approach.» [Prof. Dr. Roland Füss und Prof. Dr. Zeno Adams]  
Gabriel Marquart  «Inbound M&A: The case of Brazil in a comparative perspective.» [Prof. Dr. Dr. Peter Sester und Prof. Dr. Marc Arnold] 
Hélène Albugues  «The Eease of Doing Business Index applied to the case of small foreign companies in Chile.» [Prof. Dr. Yvette Sánchez und Prof. Dr. Patrick Emmenegger] 
Julia Pfirrman «Alternative distribution channnels for BoP communities – Base of the pyramid consumers‘ expectations and perceived added value regarding online purchase, illustrated by the retailer Tia in Ecuador.» [Prof. Dr. Sven Reinecke und Prof. Dr. Urs Jäger] 
Luana Stämpfli «Kontrolltransaktionen und Kontrollprämie – Eine rechtsvergleichende Analyse der Angebotspflicht in Europa, der Schweiz und Brasilien.» [Prof. Dr. Dr. Peter Sester und Prof. Dr. Dr. Markus Ruffner] 
Sebastian Waldmann «Die strategische Entwicklung bedeutsamer Unternehmensgruppen in Kolumbien.» [Prof. Dr. Günther Müller-Stewens und Prof. Dr. Yvette Sánchez]


Amparo García-Fernández «The success determinants of M&A deals between major airlines – The case of LATAM.» [Prof. Dr. Dr. Tomi Laamanen / Prof. Dr. Thomas Berndt] 
Ana Amrein  «An Assessment on Knowledge Sharing Processes as a means of Non-profits Downward Accountability in Costa Rica» [Prof. Dr. Yvette Sánchez und Prof. Dr. Urs Jäger] 
Andreas Zumbühl «Sequential Liberalization of Mega-Regional Trade Agreements – Lessons from Concluding the Uruguay Round.» [Prof. Dr. Simon Evenett / Prof. Dr. James W. Davis] 
Filipe Paes de Andrade «Investing in the(ir) future – Analysing the case of third party ownership in LATAM football from an investor's perspective. [Prof. Dr. Thomas Berndt]
Laurie Kirby  «Internationalization strategy in the context of telemedicine in Latin America.» [Prof. Dr. Yvette Sánchez und Prof. Dr. Christoph Müller] 
Linda Koenig  «Impact Investing in Vocation Training: A Business Model Transformation in Brazil.» [Prof. Dr. Yvette Sánchez und Dr. Christa Binswanger] 
Luc Wüst   «Der Fall NML Capital versus Argentinien und die Auswirkungen auf die Anreizstruktur von Staatsanleihen hinsichtlich Restrukturierungen – Eine rechtsökonomische Analyse der Anreize in Bondverträgen unter spezieller Berücksichtigung der Pari Passu Klausel.» [Prof. Dr. Anne van Aaken / Prof. Dr. Markus Müller-Chen]  
Luca Laloli  «The Dragon in the American Backyard – An Analysis of China’s Policy on Latin America and the Caribbean in Light of Classical Realism and Neoliberalism.» [Prof. Dr. Christoph Frei und Prof. Dr. Yvette Sánchez] 
Marion Sottas   «The role of ICT in promoting entrepreneurship within the young generation. The case of "Centro de Educação e Inovação Tecnológica" in Santa Cruz Cabraliá.» [Dr. Peter Vogel]  


Sébastien Berchtold «Wirtschaftliche und gesellschaftliche Entwicklung in verschiedenen politischen Systemen – Empirische Evidenz aus Lateinamerika. [Prof. Dr. Uwe Sunde] 
Carlos Kind Gamarra Echenique «Using a Three-factor Model to Evaluate the Returns of Pension Funds in Peru» [Prof. Paul Söderlind Ph.D.]
Fernando Luis Goncalves Filho «Brazil Corporate Governance System, Equity Offerings and Evidence of Underpricing.» [Prof. Dr. Markus Schmid und Prof. Dr. Marc Arnold]
Benjamin Gräub «Corporate Social Entrepreneurship in Emerging Markets.» [Prof. Dr. Dietmar Grichnik]
Frédéric Kuonen «The Post-Investment Involvement of Brazilian Impact Investing Funds - A Case Study-Based Analysis of Activities and Relationships». [Prof. Dr. Dietmar Grichnik und Prof. Dr. Thomas Friedli]
Jakob Maximilian Ritter «The financial market in Venezuela from 1965 until today: a socio-economic analysis fifty years after Dr. Henri Meier's Dissertation.» [Prof. Dr. Yvette Sánchez und Prof. Dr. Emilia García-Appendini] 
Yves Störi «Musikbasierter Sprachunterricht in Nordostbrasilien. Entwicklung einer handlungsorientierten Lektionsreihe zur Aneignung des Basic English auf der Stufe des Ensino Fundamental II.» [Dr. Maria Conti und Prof. Dr. Rolf Wüstenhagen] 


Rahel Demant «Cultural Change Management Challenges - Theory and empirical research based on a social enterprise in Latin America.» [Prof. Dr. Markus Schwaninger]
Mario Fiasconaro «Brazil, a Hegemon in South America? A Theoretical Approach.» [Prof. Dr. Yvette Sánchez und Prof. Dr. Christoph Frei]
Roger Küttel «The Effect of Changing Work Conditions on Mental Well-being: The Example of Chilean Teachers.» [Prof. Dr. Eva Deuchert und Prof. PhD Martin Huber]
Athena Laubacher  «Mining Controversies in Peru: An Analysis of Governance Processes.» [Prof. Dr. Corinne Pernet und Prof. Dr. Christoph Frei] 
Fabian Oppenheimer  «Impact Investing: Portfolio Company Selection in Latin America.» [Prof. Dr. Rolf Wüstenhagen] 
Claudio Prim  «The Determinants of Chile's Recent Trade Policy.» [Prof. Dr. Simon Evenett und Prof. Dr. James Davis] 
Edwin Schuh  «The potential export effects for the EU from the FTA with Colombia.» [Prof. Dr. Simon Evenett und Prof. Dr. Reto Föllmi] 
Estelle Tanner  «Differences in Investment Behaviour in Emerging Markets - Decision Making Processes of Impact Investors and Traditional Investors in Brazilian Biomass Projects.»
Anne-Laurence Zingg  «The Thin Months: Hunger in the coffeelands – how smallholder farmers in Nicaragua can generate more regular income streams through diversification.» [Prof. Dr. Urs Heierli und Prof. Dr. Christoph Frei] 


Jasmin Amsler «Der völkerrechtliche Schutz der indigenen Sprachen.» [Prof. Dr. Kerstin Odendahl und Prof. Dr. Yvette Sánchez]
Janine Gemperle «Cultural Relativism in Fair Trade – an exploratory study on trade relationships between small producers in Brazil and their market interfaces in Switzerland.»
Flavia Kruck «The Impact of the Banking sector structure on Credit Availability and Credit conditions – Evidence from Latin American Firms.» [Prof. Dr. Martin Brown]
Felix Neugebauer «Taylor Ruling Brazil – a System Dynamics Model for Monetary Policy Feedback.» [Markus Schwaninger und Heinrich von Wyss]
Nicolas Niklewicz  «Law and Economic Analysis of International Investments in Sustainable Agriculture - Issues and Challenges with Case Studies of Brazil and India.» [Prof. Dr. Anne van Aaken] 
Fabio Sonderer  «Business opportunities and Cultural Challenges for Colombian companies in Switzerland.» [Prof. Dr. Yvette Sánchez] 
Michaël Tuil «Creating Shared Value: development of the concept and application in Costa Rica.» [Prof. Dr. Yvette Sánchez und Prof. Dr. Urs Jäger] 


Michael Borgensten «Higher Education Reforms in Venezuela: A case Study of Three Universities.» [Prof. Dr. Yvette Sánchez]
Rebecca Gex-Fabry «Pequeñas y medianas empresas y el turismo en Costa Rica: modelos de participación.» [Prof. Dr. Corinne Pernet]
Santo Marco Panciotto «Auge explosivo: las cooperativas bancarias dentro del sistema financiero del Paraguay.» [Prof. Dr. Yvette Sánchez]


Walkeimar Sigrist «Les déterminations culturelles de la comptabilité - un exemple appliqué au Brésil et à la Suisse.» [Prof. Dr. Vincent Kaufmann und Prof. Dr. Yvette Sánchez]
Jana Carina Caduff «Estrategias de mercadeo para microseguros en Venezuela. Aproximación exploratoria a base de entrevistas con expertos.» [Prof. Dr. Martin Eppler und Prof. Dr. Yvette Sánchez]
Patrizia Buser «Strategic Fundraising in Nonprofit Organizations: The Case of Fundes Internacional.» [Prof. Dr. Christoph Frei]
Philipp Mettler «Models of Mediation Applied to the FARC-Conflict in Colombia: Intercultural Barriers.» [Prof. Dr. Yvette Sánchez]
Andrés Felipe Marín Salazar «Viable Implementation of Swiss Patterns for Portfolio Management in South America.» [Prof. Dr. Yvette Sánchez] 


Martin Jenni «Kosten und Nutzen multipler Mitgliedschaften in subregionalen bis globalen Integrationsprojekten für die wirtschaftlich am wenigsten entwickelten Länder Lateinamerikas.» [Prof. Dr. Dirk Lehmkuhl und Prof. Dr. James Davis]
Nadja Kränzlin «Bottom of the pyramid marketing. The case of low cost drip irrigation for coffee and other crops in Nicaragua.» [Dr. Urs Heierli und Prof. Dr. Simon Evenett] 
Christian Vousvouras «Marketing to the Bottom of the Pyramid: The case of Sanitation in Peru.» [Dr. Urs Heierli und Prof. Dr. Simon Evenett]


Christian Egli «Ein schmaler Weg aus prekären Verhältnissen in die Bildungselite: Stipendienvergabe privater Stiftungen in Lateinamerika.» [Prof. Yvette Sánchez]
Damian Philipp Hegg «Brazilian Sports Academies: Resource allocation and organization of social enterprises.» [Prof. Dr. Yvette Sánchez und Prof. Dr. Thierry Volery] 
Katrin Rosenberg  «Colombia en su laberinto. Derechos humanos y sociedad civil.» [Prof. Yvette Sánchez und Prof. Dr. Kerstin Odendahl] 


Martín Cortázar-Müller «Zwischen Demokratie und Diktatur. Venezuela unter Hugo Chávez.» [Prof. Dr. Christoph Frei]
Nadja Eichin  «Politische Transición und kultureller Wandel in Chile. Der lange Weg von Pinochet zu Bachelet.» [Prof. Dr. Yvette Sánchez und Prof. Dr. Roland Kley] 
Oliver Futterknecht «Dutch Disease in Latin-America: Theory, Evidence and Policy Lessons.» [PD Dr. Matthias Lutz] 
Bianca Marty  «El potencial del sistema educativo en función del crecimiento económico en Oaxaca.» [Prof. Dr. Yvette Sánchez und Prof. Dr. Christoph Frei] 
Nicolas Meng «La corrupción en Ecuador: ¿«quinto» poder del estado?» [Prof. Dr. Yvette Sánchez und Prof. Dr. Hans Vest] 
Jerome Wieser  «Chávez and Foreign Investors: An Emerging Model for Latin America?» [Prof. Dr. Simon J. Evenett] 


Alex Heshusius «Guerra y narcotráfico en Colombia: factores sociopolíticos y económicos.» [Prof. Dr. Yvette Sánchez und Prof. Dr. Jean-Max Baumer]
Fabian Mettler «Die neue brasilianische Währung ? der «Real».» [Prof. Dr. Alex Keel, Dr. Michael Graff]


Natasha Lopes Bezerra da Costa «Cross-Sector Partnerships: A Case Study from Brazil.» [Prof. Dr. Markus Schwaninger und Dr. Urs Jäger]
Fabian Rütschi «Organizational Change: Formulating, Implementing and Sustaining a Fundamental Organizational Change in South American Central Banks. Pilot Study Colombia.» [Prof. Dr. Martin Hilb und Prof. PhD Ruud Flemming] 
Sabrina Andrea Thalmann  «Corporate Identity und lokale Anpassung, dargestellt an Fällen brasilianischer Tochtergesellschaften.» [Prof. Dr. Markus Schwaninger und Prof. Dr. Christoph Lechner]
Stefan W. Weber «Resource acquisition of entrepreneurial firms: the special case of Argentina.» [Prof. Georg von Krogh und Prof. Dr. Markus Schwaninger] 

