Prof. Vanina Andrea Farber


VORTRAG: «The responsible entrepreneurship challenge»

Prof. Vanina Andrea Farber, Graduate Business School at the Universidad del Pacífico, Lima

Prof. Vanina Andrea Farber received her PhD from the University of Memphis in 2007 with a dissertation about the Argentinian Convertibility Plan (1991–2002). She taught at different universities in Europe and Latin America, more precisely, in Rouen, Bogotá, Marseille, Salta, and Geneva.
At the moment, she is Full Professor of Sustainable Entrepreneurship and Social Inclusion and Dean of the Graduate Business School at the Universidad del Pacífico, Lima, and Associate Professor of the IE Business School in Madrid. She is an excellent scholar for sustainable business models and monitored different public and private entities on issues regarding her area of expertise.

Beside her doctoral research field, she worked quantitatively for the impact of CSR values, and wrote about occupation and the crisis. Thus, her works lists as varying publications as “The effects of the global financial crisis on emergent markets” (2010), “Is the perception of CSR country bound? A CSR based reputation study of Spanish companies in Latin America” (2012, with Ch. Vincent) and “Más allá de la crisis: el empleo juvenil en España 2006 a 2012” [Beyond the Crisis: Youth Employment in Spain from 2006 to 2012] (2014, with G. Allard).


Photos from the event

Vanina Andrea Farber and Yvette Sánchez
The Audience
Vanina Andrea Farber